You can use this power to become healthier and happier than ever before. . .
You are probably unaware of the invisible energy field that surrounds your physical body. Even though it is invisible, it is vitally important to your physical health. This flow of energy within your subtle energy anatomy dictates the quality of your physical health. Many physical ailments may be related to these undetectable subtle energy disturbances within your subtle energy field.
Your life force is the subtle energy that sustains your physical life. This subtle energy creates the quality of your physical body. There are different intensity levels of your life force and you have a great deal to do with what intensity level you access. Amazingly enough, you create the quality of your health without ever realizing it, yet, ignorance of this great law is no excuse. This law does not waver or discriminate.
Our goal is to let this non-discriminating law work for you so that you can obtain optimal health. By using the subtle energy formulae that Optimal Health Organization has available to its members, many members enjoy better physical health with little or no effort on their part. We recommend two subtle energy supplements to be taken daily. These two formulae are Life Force and SNERF. We will quickly review these and two other important formulae. Remember this, your subtle energy anatomy, even though invisible to the naked eye, is very important to your physical health.
Many people take handfuls of vitamins and herbs to feel better, yet most still don't feel their best and they never will. Why is that? Again, they are unknowingly neglecting a critically important aspect of their physical health. Why unknowingly?
The subtle energy anatomy has eluded modern science and its mechanistic research (this is the study of the biochemical effect and not the subtle energy cause), yet it has been written about for over five thousand years!
Admittedly, even individuals that are aware of their subtle energy body have found it difficult to strengthen or enhance it's energy flow since there have been no easy ways of doing so -- until now.
The Optimal Health Organization invites you to experience the exciting benefits you receive when using these unique formulae.
We urge you to join OHO today to have access to these unique formulae.
OPTIMAL HEALTH has a variety of formulae that address your subtle energy needs.
The OPTIMAL HEALTH ORGANIZATION is dedicated to your family's well-being. From pregnancy to golden-age, we have formulae to make all stages of your life more enjoyable and more healthful than you ever thought possible.
Remember, all Subtle Energy Formulae are completely safe. There are absolutely no side effects for anyone at any age.
Subtle Energy Formulae are free of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and preservatives.
Subtle Energy Formulae come in convenient l and 2-oz. spray bottles allowing you to take them anywhere.
Call OHO today to receive a member's only list of formulae and discount prices. Membership is free and so is the call. It will only take a minute. Call us direct at 1-800-349-3899.
(Note: Federal law prohibits OHO from answering questions about specific health problems.)